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Senior Timeline

Senior Timeline


  • Register for TN Promise
  • Know the additional ACT* and/or SAT administration dates. Register online by the deadline if you are going to take them. See ACT Students or wCollege Board
  • Be sure to have your ACT test scores sent to the colleges for which you are applying.  
  • Make a list of your college choices.  Confirm you meet the requirements for the college you apply to such as GPA and ACT score, pay attention to due dates for everything!

  • Ask a teacher or counselor for recommendation if needed, 10-14 days in advance.

  • Get started on any essays to be included with your applications. Ask teachers and others to read and give feedback.

  • Complete a Transcript Request Form in the Counseling Office to have your transcript sent.  


  •  Work on scholarship applications and submit according to deadlines.

  • Complete and submit your college financial aid application and the FAFSA as soon as possible Go to: FAFSA Website

  • Register with the Selective Services if you are a male, U.S. citizen, 18 yrs. of age. (Selective Service Website)

  • Contact the admissions office and financial aid office of the college/s to which you have applied to confirm all your information has been received and that they have everything they need from you.  


  • When you decide on a college, notify them by accepting and getting deposits turned in by the due date. Be sure to check any deadlines that may apply.

  • Request a final transcript, in the Counseling office, to be sent to the college of your choice before you graduate.  

  • Participate in any orientation programs for incoming freshmen 

  • Complete 8 hrs. of community service by July 1st to qualify for TN Promise.  

  • Know what you have to do to maintain or reapply for any scholarships you received.